sculpture statue

Dublin Core


sculpture statue



One of two stone images from the ruins of the Great Temple of Majoput, Java.


Thomson, Alexander Mr


Thomson, Alexander Mr




H: 690 mm W: 210 mm


These idols and the one standing outside the case are from Arjuno - a mountain ten to twelve thousand feet high. The remains of the temple are near the summit, about twenty five miles from Soerabaja The idols are Hindoo - Ganesa etc. At one time a large portion of the inhabitants of Java were Hindoos; there is still a small colony of them about twenty miles off. They go to worship on the Brom's mountain which is a vast old volcano with active fire in one corner A great plain of sand on it, at elevation of six thousand feet - totally barren. Sounds hollow under foot of a man. A few inhabitants on border of it cultivate European vegetables as turnips - cabbages etc' for Soerabaja market The present inhabitants on the Arjuno are Mohammedans and cared nothing about the idols