Stand for a block iron (ABDUA 15902), handle broken, decoration, bell, ring & crown, scrolls, bird (i.e. Glasgow shield). One of a number of items donated by Mrs Argo of Aberdeen, some of which were used on the farm of Darnabo, near Fyvie,…
Simple tin (can) opener in iron, in the form of a bullock's head and tail, traces of gold paint remain One of a number of items (eg ABDUA 15685 to 15689) donated by Mrs Argo of Aberdeen, some of which were used on the farm of Darnabo, near Fyvie,…
One of eight 'luckenbooth' brooches listed together (Reid 1912), given by Dr McAldowie of Cheltenham in 1894 Heart-shaped, set with clear paste stones and garnets
Pine cradle, sides decorated with painted scroll work Was made by Mr William Barron, Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire, about 1860 - 1880 Has knobs for attaching cord to enable cradle to be rocked by foot. One of a number of items (eg ABDUA 15895 to 15915)…
Christening-robe, 175 years old, exquisite lace and delicately hand-sewn on fine lawn. Worn by Alexander Elder, and a member of the Anton family (given by Mrs Catherine Levie, Anton being her previous married name)