Hallmarked silver lapel badge, Design: Crown over ARP (Air Raid Precautions); Used by Mr J Barclay during his duties as section (platoon) leader in Aberdeen Civil Defence
Printed Certificate of Enrolment, 'This is to certify that James S…
Not only was James Daniel a writer and printer, he was also a composer and a Tory. This collection of music is based on Aberdeen and its social life. Daniel dedicated one of the pieces to Sir Michael Bruce, who stood as a candidate for Aberdeenshire…
The Diary of Passing Events is anti Tory, pro Reform and pro Free Trade. It wishes to see changes made for the good of all citizens and corruption in the council practice exposed.
The writer is answering an attack on Toryism, which appeared in the previous issue of the Aberdeen Magazine, by suggesting that this attack has not offended him.