Browse Items (3311 total)

Image of bottle of medicinal wine containing a snake.
Cobra preserved in liquid. With label: 'Real speciality of Vietnam. Snake wine (one unit). Usage: rheumatism, lumbago, sweat of limbs. Dosage: Twice a day each a small cup before meal.'

Image of dried pufferfish specimen.
Dry, mount. Not mounted on a display stand.

Poppy Sample.tif
Dried plant specimen. Bound volume of William Knight Vol. 2.

Image of early 20th century poison gas antidote in metal box.
Box 'Take capsule between thumb and first finger of each hand, press ends downwards to break in centre, Inhale vapour'

Image of dried hemlock sample in a labeled box.
Several fruits. Label in box: 'Conii Fruct. POISON. The British Drug Houses, Ltd. Manufacturing Chemists. London.'

Image of container made from calabash gourd adorned with decorative shells.
Container made of a medium sized fat vessel shaped gourd (calabash) in a faded orange-brown colour with matt surface. Stopper made of a section of white-coloured, naturally patterned conus shell with several large shiny red seeds pressed into a darkā€¦

Image of dried eucalyptus sample including buds.
Eucalyptus grandis, dried plant specimen.

Image of dried foxglove sample.
Dried plant specimen.

Close-up image of coffee fruits.
Several coffee fruits in a glass jar.

Image of dried cannabis sample.
Dried plant specimen
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