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Collection: Striking Impressions
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Large marble bust of a White man with soft features, in the style of an Ancient Greek or Roman sculpture. He wears a toga.
A colourful wolf like mask. It has a large snout and jaws that can open and close, with teeth painted on and red lips. Most of the mask is blue with black details. The eyes appear to be made from the bottoms of wine glasses. It has ears in the form of human faces which also have mouths that can open and close.
A miniature mask with the face of an Asian man. He has an exaggerated angry expression with bulging veins, a red flush to his skin, and bristling eyebrows and moustache.
Samurai helmet and face armour composed of black lacquered metal with articulated plates connected with blue cord. The helmet has a clan symbol lacquered on its rim and a crest of a sun behind a cloud. The face guard, composed of a single sculpted plate, has a fearsome snarling expression.
A grinning brass humanoid face with fangs sticking its tongue out. It has large eyebrows and moustaches, a third eye on its forehead, pierced ears with long drooping lobes, and a headdress of five flaming skulls.
Leopard mask with bulging eyes, black and red spots, and enormous sharp teeth.
A colourful humanoid face with a huge nose and grinning mouth. Three cobras painted with black, yellow, red, white and blue patterns emerge from its forehead.
Silhouette of face in profile. Lines are drawn between various points such as the tip of the nose and chin, and the nose and highest part of the forehead. Points where lines meet at an angle are marked.
Page of a book with recipes for A water to take away pimples, Powder for taking freckles off, Red pomatum for the lips, Hungary water.
Coloured print. A female model poses among classical style statues. A small old man grins at her lecherously as he creates a small sculpture of the model as a goddess.
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