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Poisons in Person

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What makes a poison a poison?

Whether deadly or delicious, poisonous substances play an important role in all of our lives. In order to show how dosage determines the effects of poisons, the curators of this exhibition have chosen objects utilised for a number of different purposes.

Visit the Sir Duncan Rice Library to see a selection of these objects on display. The display is located on the ground floor across from the cafe. Consider listening to the "Toxic Relationships" playlist and watching the installation time-lapse linked below while you enjoy a (non-toxic amount of) coffee or tea before your visit to the display!

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Curated by: John Richard Nolan, Jane Boyce-Quentin, Jamie Hyde, Yiyang Chen, Jennifer Griffiths, Lijingyu Kang, Ceri Gauton, Lijun Yao, and Zhuoxin Yu.

For all of their support and guidance throughout this exhibition's development and installation, we would like to thank Christina MacKenzie, Jenny Downes, Neil Curtis, Hannah Clarke, and Caroline Dempsey.

We would also like to thank Emma Quinn for her excellent graphic design assistance.

Mlitt 2024

Curators from left to right:

(Back Row) Jane Boyce-Quentin, Jamie Hyde, Lijun Yao, Zhuoxin Yu, Lijingyu Kang

(Front Row) Ceri Gauton, John Richard Nolan, Yiyang Chen

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Poisons in Person