



ABDUA 84023


Funereal, shows pictures of the Book of the Dead, Judgement scene before Osiris and weighing the heart. Mounted, framed and glazed. Inscription: PMAM 24 vi.


Dates: Early: -310 Late: -30 Period: Ptolemaic


H: 200 mm L: 565 mm


Inscription: PMAM 24 vi


vegetable fibre papyrus pigment


Papyrus is paper made using reeds from the Nile. This is a religious text, which would have been buried in a tomb. On the right end of the papyrus is a text in hieroglyphs of the 125th chapter of the Book of the Dead. Like modern Arabic and Hebrew, this text is read from right to left. Ptolemaic. The drawing shows, from right to left: i The dead person standing in white. ii The gods Anubis and Thoth using scales to weigh the dead man's soul against the feather of truth. iii Thoth, scribe of the gods writing down the judgement. iv The monster waiting to destroy the soul if it failed the test. v The seated figure of Osiris, waiting to welcome the spirit. vi Maat, the goddess of truth and justice. The text on the left is a new chapter. The upper border shows the gods in judgement