Figure of Amen-Ra. Reid 1912: 'Amon was originally the local god of Thebes. On the rise of the Theban princes to supreme power, the local god became the supreme god of Egypt and was fused with the chief god of the delta, Ra, thus becoming Amon-Ra. He was represented as a man wearing two straight plumes on his head. The ram was sacred to him. Amon, Mut and Khonsu formed the triad of Thebes.'
H: 140 mm
metal copper.alloy bronze
Figure of Amen-Ra. Reid 1912: 'Amon was originally the local god of Thebes. On the rise of the Theban princes to supreme power, the local god became the supreme god of Egypt and was fused with the chief god of the delta, Ra, thus becoming Amon-Ra. He was represented as a man wearing two straight plumes on his head. The ram was sacred to him. Amon, Mut and Khonsu formed the triad of Thebes.'