Articles of the Treaty of Union agreed on by the Commissioners of both Kingdoms, 22 July 1706


Articles of the Treaty of Union agreed on by the Commissioners of both Kingdoms, 22 July 1706


Articles of the Treaty of Union agreed on by the Commissioners of both Kingdoms, 22 July 1706


Vars. 1 & 2 reported from ESTC/NA There is a colon after "1706" in the title, and no price at the foot of the titlepage. Variant 1: there is a full stop after "1706", and no price; variant 2: there is a colon after "1706", and a price at the foot of the titlepage.




Early 18th Century Collections Online (GALE)


London: Printed at Edinburgh by the heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson Printer to the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, and reprinted at London for Andrew Bell, at the Bible and Cross-Keys, near the Royal-Exchange in Cornhil: and sold by B. Bragg at the Haven in Pater-Noster-Row


British History, 1688-1714 , Scottish History