Cherokee Beadwork D.2

Dublin Core


Cherokee Beadwork D.2




Design and Iconography 1

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[M] We're still intrigued by the ancient knowledge preserved in our beadwork. Some of the iconography that appears in early 1800s beadwork we know came from the mounds and we still don't know what it means. Some of the meanings of some of the iconography is probably lost forever. Some of it we think we understand. But we're beginning to learn more and more. And it's, it's pretty exciting. It's almost, I mean, we kind of need a Rosetta Stone to figure out what that stuff means. But we're beginning one by one by one to untie those knots and untangle that knowledge and come to understand some of the knowledge of the mounds and what was important to them enough that they preserved it in various icons and in artwork. So we're learning and we're going.

Original Format



00:51 minutes