Legacies of Slavery


Legacies of Slavery


Items associated with the exhibition 'Legacies of Slavery', examining the links between transatlantic slavery and the University of Aberdeen's history.




Exhibition curated by Richard Anderson, Neil Curtis, Jenny Downes, Sam Revell, Niko Sanguinetti

Collection Items

Tilforladelig kort over eylandet St. Croix udi America saaledes som det ved en acurat udmaaling er besunden med qvarterernes navne og enhver plantagies nummer efter hvilke de udi matriculen findes indförte og til enhver kiöber cederet beliggende paa 17 grader 38 minuter norder brede.
- Real property--United States Virgin Islands--Saint Croix--Maps--Early works to 1800
- Saint Croix (United States Virgin Islands)--Maps--Early works to 1800
- Windmills--United States Virgin Islands--Saint Croix--Maps--Early works to 1800
- …

Bust portrait of Dr Gilbert Ramsay, near facing, in an ovate mount. Wearing a long grey periwig, clerical gown, and a clerical collar, on a plain brown background.

Triumph of Truth
3/4 portrait of Dr James Beattie, wearing doctorate gown, 'Essay on Truth' under left arm. Truth as an Angel holding balance plunging Scepticism, Sophistry, Infidelity (Voltaire, Hume, Gibbon) into darkness. Painted 1773 in London during Beattie's…

Cairness House viewed from the south
Cairness House, Lonmay, Aberdeenshire, south front. A red and white border has been added to the original photo.
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