Bunker lamp. A small tin lamp shaped like a watering can, with a long handle that comes vertically up over the centre. The spout has a thick bundle of wick coming out of it.

Dublin Core


Bunker lamp. A small tin lamp shaped like a watering can, with a long handle that comes vertically up over the centre. The spout has a thick bundle of wick coming out of it.




An early type of oil lamp, made of tin, to burn naptha, a flammable oil distilled from the oil shales of central Scotland. The inner, lidded, cylindical vessel holds the naptha and has a spout which holds the wick. The outer shell is to catch drips, which would be dangerous if they fell on to a flammable surface. The lamp can be hung up or placed on a flat surface. The museum's slip catalogue notes: 'Used by weavers 1840 - 46'. See file 'Weavers Lamps' for letter from Miss Millar, 02/02/1922.


Early: 1840 Late: 1850


metal tin, H: 210 mm W: 78 mm


Physical Object


Europe, Scotland, Paisley Renfrewshire


Acquisition Source: Millar, M Miss