Zoology Museum Photo by George Washington Wilson | Zoology Museum Photo by George Washington Wilson | | Zoology Museum |
Subject:Zoology Museum |
Description:The Zoology Museum at Marischal College
Zoology display. Taxidermy birds in a display case. | Zoology display. Taxidermy birds in a display case. | | |
ABDNP:201856a | Zamboni piles | | |
Description:Pair of zamboni piles stored in sealed glass tubes with corks; completely sealed units
Yongle Dadian | Yongle Dadian | | |
Yokel Hero programme cover, 2006 | Yokel Hero programme cover, 2006 | | |
| Yew | | |
Description:Dried plant specimen. Label headed 'Flora Britannica'
Yellow-throated Vireo, John James Audubon, Plate 119 | Yellow-throated Vireo, John James Audubon, Plate 119 | | |
ABDUA:18881 | Yarnet. A rectangular wooden box about a foot and a half lonf with a handle. | Physical Object | |
Type:Physical Object |
Description:Wooden 'yarnet' - used in holding yarn to be made into skeins or wound into balls.
ABDUA:18867, 18865, 18877 | Yarn winders and yarn. Two wooden yarn winders consisting of a bar with bars on either end positioned perpendicular to each other, and a spool of yarn thread. | Physical Object | |
ABDUA:18738 | Yard and ell measure. A long wooden bar with projections at either end so that something a yard long would fit in the space between the projections. There are markings along the bar, and brass plates on the side at either end. | Physical Object | |
Type:Physical Object |
Description:Measures an ell and imperial yard each in 1/2,1/4,1/16 and 1/32nd parts.