File #4766: "Claymore. A huge sword with a blade almost a metre and a half long, with a squarish handle covered in leather decorated with bands of horizontal lines, a ridged cylindrical pommel, a cross guard terminating in diamond shaped loops at each end, and large oval shaped guards on both sides of the handle."

Claymore. A huge sword with a blade almost a metre and a half long, with a squarish handle covered in leather decorated with bands of horizontal lines, a ridged cylindrical pommel, a cross guard terminating in diamond shaped loops at each end, and large oval shaped guards on both sides of the handle.


Claymore. A huge sword with a blade almost a metre and a half long, with a squarish handle covered in leather decorated with bands of horizontal lines, a ridged cylindrical pommel, a cross guard terminating in diamond shaped loops at each end, and large oval shaped guards on both sides of the handle.