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Mapping Mementos
Mapping Mementos
Collection Items
Exhibition poster titled 'Mapping Mementos'. Three postage stamps sit on top of a graphic of a stone building (King's College). One stamp has an image of a brown mask on a green background. Another stamp depicts a toy with a kissing couple on it on a purple background. The last stamp shows a black and white pipe in the shape of a paddle boat on a red background.
Blue bracelet with silver knotwork design on top.
Pin in the shape of a cheese slicer, a small silver metal object with a red handle.
Ivory figure of an elephant with a gold chain attached.
Small red charm depicting a red and black gate.
Framed print of two birds (jackdaws).
Grey reflective pen with a multicoloured peacock feather on the end.
Drawing depicting a view of an interior of a cave looking towards the entrance. Stalactites are visible from the ceiling. A figure is visible in the far distance.
Drawing depicting a large tree with a large amount of roots.
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